Implementation of Large-Scale Renewable Energy Projects
Turnkey execution in Poland and Europe.
Realizacja wielkoskalowych projektów OZE 1
Wykonawstwo pod klucz na terenie Polski i Europy.
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We offer a full range of technical and consulting services.
EPC Solar, with 30 years of experience in the construction and engineering industry, offers comprehensive solutions for the construction and maintenance of photovoltaic farms, wind farms, and energy storage facilities.
As a leader in renewable energy infrastructure, our experienced team of designers and engineers ensures the highest technical standards and operational efficiency through a full spectrum of technical consulting services and exceptional construction solutions.
As a leader in renewable energy infrastructure, our experienced team of designers and engineers ensures the highest technical standards and operational efficiency through a full spectrum of technical consulting services and exceptional construction solutions.
development of construction and execution projects
execution and supervision of subcontractors
technical and financial analysis of photovoltaic farms
technical expertise and opinions
obtaining building permits and connection conditions
developing concepts and productivity simulations for installations
preparing cost estimates
conducting project training and author supervision
wykonawstwo i nadzór nad podwykonawcami
uzyskiwanie pozwolenia na budowę i uzyskiwanie warunków przyłączeniowych
opracowywanie koncepcji i symulacji produktywności instalacji
prowadzenie szkoleń projektowych i nadzorów autorskich
Opracowanie koncepcji i symulacji produktywności
analiza techniczna i finansowa farm fotowoltaicznych
ekspertyzy i opinie techniczne
opracowywanie kosztorysów
Kompleksowa oferta dla OZE
Comprehensive Offer for Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
We implement large-scale renewable energy projects and turnkey execution in Poland and Europe.