
Construction of the CLM Lućmierz 1.71 MW Photovoltaic Farm on the Roof and Ground

Renewable energy is playing an increasingly significant role in the global energy landscape, and Poland is no exception. One of the most exciting projects in this field is the construction of the CLM Lućmierz photovoltaic farm, which combines modern technologies with an innovative approach to energy production.

The CLM Lućmierz Photovoltaic Farm, with a capacity of 1.71 MW, is an impressive project combining installations on both rooftops and ground. Particularly noteworthy is the east-west tracking system that optimizes the angle of solar rays, enhancing the energy efficiency of the installation. The tracking systems, which follow the sun’s movement, allow for maximum utilization of available solar energy, making the farm more efficient compared to traditional, static panels.

Comprehensive Project Management

Designing and implementing photovoltaic farms is a complex process that requires not only advanced technical knowledge but also adequate legal and logistical support. The law firm from Szczecin, which initiates these projects, provides comprehensive project management services, including legal advice, obtaining necessary permits, and managing the entire investment process. This ensures that each stage of project execution proceeds smoothly and in compliance with current regulations.

Significance of Photovoltaic Projects

Investments in photovoltaic farms, such as CLM Lućmierz, are of immense importance not only for the energy sector but also for environmental protection. Producing energy from renewable sources significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions, which is crucial in combating climate change. Additionally, the development of photovoltaic infrastructure supports the local economy by creating new jobs and stimulating technological innovations.

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Please be informed that in order to best tailor our service offerings to your needs, the proposal may be presented by one of the following companies: Zielona-Energia.com Logistics Sp. z o.o., EDP Energia Polska Sp. z o.o., or Soon Energy Poland Sp. z o.o.

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